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Course Objectives:
This course aims to create design projects by using interdisciplinary methods. In project development process, students are required to develop an original design idea, improve their aesthetic sensibility by working with teams. Projects are planned to be done in the intersections of the areas such as storytelling, communication design, game design, visual arts and technology. Students improve their design skills by researching, analysing, creating ideas, visualizing, testing and self-evaluating. They are required to work in contemporary areas such as urbanism, technology, ecology, sustainability. They experience an interdisciplinary and hands-on learning environment where the design process is of equal importance to the final design outputs.
Course Content:
In this course, students make teamwork in interdisciplinary projects. Process of the design project includes essential steps such as design research, concept development, project implementation and communication strategies. The course is framed by lectures on contemporary design topics. Students are expected to realize a solid, applicable and feasible project by the end of the semester. Experimental methods are encouraged in this course. Students “define, create ideas, structure, make prototypes, develop and analyze” in the course of project creation.
Course Methodology:
1-Lecture, 2-Interactive Lecture, 5-Problem Solving, 12-Groupwork, 15-Assignment
Course Evaluation Methods:
A-Exam, C-Assignment, E-Project / Design
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