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Course Objectives:
The general purpose of this course is to understand and discuss the development of the philosophy of ethics in its historcal course, its changing meanings by different philosophers, ethical theories and theoricians, and the function of ethics in today’s society; and to enable the students to develop their own views in order to use it in their profesional lives.
Course Content:
This course is intended to examine the ethical theories of philosophers such as Aristotle, Confucius, Macchiavelli, Kant, J.S.Mill, J. Bentham, D.Hume, J. Fletcher, J.Wilson,, T.Hobbes, J:J:Rousseau, J.P.Sartre, F. Nietzche, Kierkegaard, C.Christians; also to discuss the contemporary ethical issues like Woman Rights, Human Rights, Animal Rights, and Racial Discrimination.
Course Methodology:
1: Lecture, 2: Interactive Lecture, 3: Special Support / Structural Examples
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Testing,C: Homework
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