Prerequisite Courses:
Course Language:
Courses given by:
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to introduce students to the theoretical framework of health communication and to bring them an interdisciplinary insight as required by the interdisciplinary nature of the field and skills for health communication activities from a critical perspective.
Course Content:
The course covers the following topics: the definition of health communication, features of health communication as an interdisciplinary field, main theories and models in health communication, health communication campaign process, risk communication and media advocacy, health literacy and critical health communication, media and health, health communication and ethics, and the interpersonal communication perspective in health communication.
Course Methodology:
1: Lecture, 2: Interactive Lecture, 6: Case Study, 7: Brainstorm, 13:Fieldwork 15: Assignment
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Sınav, B: Sözlü/Sunum C: Ödev
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